Is Fibromyalgia a Brain Problem?? (Part 2)

     Last week we talked about the causes of fibromyalgia, neurologic and metabolic. We discussed that the normal functioning brain has a rhythm of stimulation from one lobe to another, like the chambers of the heart that contract at different times. If one areas function is diminished, it alters the balance in the brain and can cause symptoms and health problems. The mid-brain or mescencephalon over-firing is the area of the brain that we address with therapy. High mescencephalon output is associated with these symptoms; pain, light sensitivity, inability to sleep, irregular heart beat, increased warmth or sweating of hands, urinary tract infections.

    Now let’s talk about the other cause, metabolic. Your body is a virtual chemical factory, these chemical substances that your body makes allow nerves to talk to each other (neurotransmitters), digests your food (HCL, pepsin), controls you endocrine system (hormones), is part of your immune response to fight off invaders (White blood cells, antibodies), and carry oxygen on the red blood cells( hemoglobin) and so many others. Specific lab testing can determine which systems have problems and from that information specific nutritional therapy restores the balance.

    For example you may have gut problems due to unhealthy organisms living in your intestines or in your stomach , fungus, abnormal bacteria, parasites, these invaders are going to give off toxins that will impair your digestions, stress your liver and cause inflammation in your brain. There is a lab test that can detect this problem, it’s from a company called Metametrix.

     A lot of people who have fibromyalgia have been thru a lot of stress just prior to the onset or stress from how much the syndrome has altered their lifestyle. This stress if prolonged will cause problems with the adrenal gland, causing them to go into over-activity and then finally exhaustion as the adrenal burnout.  Some symptoms of adrenal dysfunction are: can’t get to sleep or can’t stay asleep, slow starter in morning, afternoon fatigue, dizziness when standing up quickly, afternoon headaches, perspire easily, under high amounts of stress, and weight gain. The most accurate way to test adrenal gland function is through salvia analysis, we use a company called Diagnos-Techs.

    Every fibromyagia patient that we see goes through very thorough neurological and metabolic testing before we start treatment. In this way we have all the information we need to begin successful treatment.  If you would like to know more about our Fibromyalgia programs go to our web site at  click on the link for Brain Based Therapy, watch Dr Johnson’s fibromyalgia video. To see our latest fibromyalgia success story go to